Silent boot
This feature allows suppress all output from RouterBOARD over serial port. Very useful if you have some custom devices attached to it and they get confused from output when router boots up or is operational.
To completely suppress output you will have to have RouterOS 4.4 or newer and RouterBOOT 2.25 or newer installed on the board, other way, only console output can be suppressed.
To disable console output you have disable console on serial output, that is enabled on all RouterBOARD devices by default. That can be achieved this menu:
/system console
by default you will see this output in the menu:
[admin@] /system console> print detail Flags: X - disabled, U - used, F - free 0 F port=serial0 term="vt102"
Then just disable that entry there.
Other part of configuration that will work only on RouterOS 4.4+ and RouterBOOT 2.25+
To suppress boot messages, you have two different ways to do same thing:
From running RouterOS if routerboard package is installed
/system routerboard settings set baud-rate=off
- When RouterBOARD starts to boot press key as specified by message
Default message looks like that:
Press any key within 2 seconds to enter setup
- Select option:
s - serial console
- Select option 9 (value: off) in serial console baud rate menu
Select baud rate for serial console: * 1 - 115200 2 - 57600 3 - 38400 4 - 19200 5 - 9600 6 - 4800 7 - 2400 8 - 1200 9 - off your choice:
To disable this configuration
- boot with reset button pressed, that will load backup bios with different settings
- enable console output from running RouterOS