Manual:MPLS L2VPN vs Juniper
This article describes the basic setup of Point-to-Point L2VPN with Juniper J-series routers.
Consider network setup as ilustrated below:
We will be setting up the layer 2 connection between the CE and PE routers as well as the MPLS and L2VPN between PE routers. The layer 2 link between the CE and PE routers will be an Ethernet VLAN circuit.
Set up VLANs
CE1 and CE2 routers:
/interface vlan add vlan-id=600 name=vlan1 disabled=no interface=ether1
PE1 (RouterOS):
No configuration currently is needed, later we will bridge VPLS tunnel.
PE2 (JunOS):
interfaces { fe-0/0/1 { vlan-tagging; encapsulation vlan-ccc; unit 1 { encapsulation vlan-ccc; vlan-id 600; } } }
Set up IP connection, OSPF and LDP
/ip address add address= interface=vlan1
/ip address add address= interface=vlan1
PE1 (RouterOS):
/interface bridge add name=loopback /ip address add address= interface=ether3 add address= interface=loopback /routing ospf network add area=backbone disabled=no network= add area=backbone disabled=no network= /mpls ldp set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address= /mpls ldp interface add interface=ether3
P (RouterOS):
/interface bridge add name=loopback /ip address add address= interface=ether1 add address= interface=ether2 add address= interface=loopback /routing ospf network add area=backbone disabled=no network= add area=backbone disabled=no network= add area=backbone disabled=no network= /mpls ldp set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address= /mpls ldp interface add interface=ether1 add interface=ether2
PE2 (JunOS):
interfaces { fe-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family mpls; } } lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } } protocols { mpls { interface fe-0/0/0.0; interface lo0.0; } ospf { export [ export-connected originate ]; area { interface fe-0/0/0.0; interface lo0.0 { passive; } } } ldp { egress-policy connected-only; transport-address; interface all; } }
Finally we need to define policy options to advertise label binding for Loopback prefix:
policy-options { prefix-list loopback-prefix {; } policy-statement connected-only { from { prefix-list loopback-prefix; } then accept; } }
Set up L2VPN
PE1 (RouterOS):
/interface vpls add cisco-style=yes cisco-style-id=5 name=junos-l2circuit pw-type=tagged-ethernet \ remote-peer= /interface bridge add name=vpn /interface bridge port add interface=ether5 bridge=vpn add interface=junos-l2circuit bridge=vpn
PE2 (JunOS):
protocol { l2circuit { neighbor { interface fe-0/0/1.1 { virtual-circuit-id 5; } } } }
Verify Operation