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The firewall implements packet filtering and thereby provides security functions that are used to manage data flow to, from and through the router. Along with the Network Address Translation it serves as a tool for preventing unauthorized access to directly attached networks and the router itself as well as a filter for outgoing traffic.
Firewall filter
Sub-menu: /ip firewall filter
Property | Description |
action (; Default: ) | |
address-list (; Default: ) | |
address-list-timeout (; Default: ) | |
chain (; Default: ) | |
comment (; Default: ) | |
connection-bytes (; Default: ) | |
connection-limit (; Default: ) | |
connection-mark (; Default: ) | |
connection-rate (; Default: ) | |
connection-state (; Default: ) | |
connection-type (; Default: ) | |
content (; Default: ) | |
dscp (; Default: ) | |
dst-address (; Default: ) | |
dst-address-list (; Default: ) | |
dst-address-type (; Default: ) | |
dst-limit (; Default: ) | |
dst-port (; Default: ) | |
fragment (; Default: ) | |
hotspot (; Default: ) | |
icmp-options (; Default: ) | |
in-bridge-port (; Default: ) | |
in-interface (; Default: ) | |
ingress-priority (; Default: ) | |
ipv4-options (; Default: ) | |
jump-target (; Default: ) | |
layer7-protocol (; Default: ) | |
limit (; Default: ) | |
log-prefix (; Default: ) | |
nth (; Default: ) | |
out-bridge-port (; Default: ) | |
out-interface (; Default: ) | |
p2p (; Default: ) | |
packet-mark (; Default: ) | |
packet-size (; Default: ) | |
per-connection-classifier (; Default: ) | |
port (; Default: ) | |
protocol (; Default: ) | |
psd (; Default: ) | |
random (; Default: ) | |
reject-with (; Default: ) | |
routing-mark (; Default: ) | |
src-address (; Default: ) | |
src-address-list (; Default: ) | |
src-address-type (; Default: ) | |
src-port (; Default: ) | |
tcp-flags (; Default: ) | |
tcp-mss (; Default: ) | |
time (; Default: ) | |
ttl (; Default: ) |