Dynamic DNS Update Script for ChangeIP.com

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Revision as of 10:45, 29 October 2007 by Normis (talk | contribs)
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The following script should be created when you wish to update your ChangeIP.com Dynamic DNS account. Once created you should schedule this to run once in a while. The :global variables should be edited to include your unique username and password, interface name, etc.

:log info "DDNS: Begin"

:global ddns-user "YOURUSERID"
:global ddns-pass "YOURPASSWORD"
:global ddns-host "*1"
:global ddns-interface "EXACTINTERFACENAME"

:global ddns-ip [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$ddns-interface] address ]

:if ([ :typeof $ddns-lastip ] = nil ) do={ :global ddns-lastip }

:if ([ :typeof $ddns-ip ] = nil ) do={

  :log info ("DDNS: No ip address present on " . $ddns-interface . ", please check.")

} else={

  :if ($ddns-ip != $ddns-lastip) do={

    :log info "DDNS: Sending UPDATE!"
    :log info [ /tool dns-update name=$ddns-host address=[:pick $ddns-ip 0 [:find $ddns-ip "/"] ] key-name=$ddns-user key=$ddns-pass ]
    :global ddns-lastip $ddns-ip

  } else={ 

    :log info "DDNS: No change" 



:log info "DDNS: End"

An updated script here (10/18/07) should allow auto-detection of the default gateways interface name. This script below can be used if you have more than 1 WAN connection, but only 1 is active at a time.

:global ddnsuser "YOURUSERID"
:global ddnspass "YOURPASSWORD"
:global ddnshost "YOUR.HOST.NAME.HERE"
#:global ddnsinterface "1-coxBiz"

:global ddnssystem ("mt-" . [/system package get [/system package find name=system] version] )

:foreach int in=[/ip route find dst-address= active=yes ] do={ 
  :if ([:typeof [/ip route get $int routing-mark ]] = nothing ) do={
     :global ddnsinterface [/ip route get $int interface]

:global ddnsip [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$ddnsinterface] address ]

:if ([ :typeof $ddnslastip ] = nil ) do={ :global ddnslastip }

:if ([ :typeof $ddnsip ] = nil ) do={

:log info ("DDNS: No ip address present on " . $ddnsinterface . ", please check.")

} else={

  :if ($ddnsip != $ddnslastip) do={

    :log info "DDNS: Sending UPDATE!"
    :log info [ :put [/tool dns-update name=$ddnshost address=[:pick $ddnsip 0 [:find $ddnsip "/"] ] key-name=$ddnsuser key=$ddnspass ] ]
    :global ddnslastip $ddnsip

  } else={ 

