Manual:IP/Neighbor discovery

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MikroTik Neighbor Discovery protocol (MNDP) allows to "find" other devices compatible with MNDP or CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) in Layer2 broadcast domain.


Menu: /ip neigbor

In this menu is read-only and displays discovery information from routers in same Layer-2 area where interface is set to participate in neighbour discovery.

Property Desciption
interface (interface name) interface that received discovery packet from other hosts in Layer-2 area
address (IP address) IP address of the neighbour interface discovery packet originated from
address6 (IPv6 address) IPv6 address of the neighbour interface discovery packet originated from
interface-name (interface name) interface that sent discovery packet from the neighbor.
ipv6 (yes | no) Neighbor has IPv6 enabled.
mac-address (MAC address) mac address of the neighbour interface discovery packet originated from
identity (text) set identification tag of system sending out discovery information
platform (text) platform of system sending out discovery information
version (text) version of software of system sending out discovery information
unpack (none|simple|uncompressed-headers|uncompressed-all) what packet compression is used by neighbour system
age (time) time that has passed since last discovery packet was received from neighbour
uptime (time) uptime of system sending discovery information
software-id (text) Software id of neighbour system that sends out discovery information

Discovery configuration

Sub-menu: /ip neighbor discovery

In this menu is possible to change state of the interface whether it participates in neighbor discovery or not. If it does, it will send out basic information about system and process received discovery packets broadcasted in Layer-2 network. List of interfaces is automatically managed by RouterOS. Items in the list cannot be removed nor added. Default settings depend on interface type and current state.

Property Description
comment (string; Default: ) Short description of an entry
disabled (yes | no; Default: ) Whether item is disabled and do not participate in sending/receiving of discovery information. Added in v5.x
discover (yes | no; Default: ) Whether to participate in sending/receiving of discovery information. Since v5.x left for compatibility with older scripts.

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