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Logging to file

To log everything to file, add new log action:

/system logging action add name=file target=disk disk-file-name=log

and then make everything log using this new action:

/system logging action=file

You can log only errors there by issuing command:

/system logging topics=error action=file 

This will log into files log.0.txt and log.1.txt.

You can specify maximum size of file in lines by specifying disk-lines-per-file. <file>.0.txt is active file were new logs are going to be appended and once it size will reach maximum it will become <file>.1.txt, and new empty <file>.0.txt will be created.

You can log into USB flashes or into MicroSD/CF (on Routerboards) by specifying it's directory name before file name. For example, if you have accessible usb flash as usb1 directory under /files, you should issue following command:

/system logging action add name=usb target=disk disk-file-name=usb1/log