Manual:Replacement Key

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To request a replacement key:

1) Go to your account management in and fill the "support contact form" or write a direct e-mail to

  • ) Please provide detailed information about why replacement key is required

2) Send required info to MikroTik support department.

3) Re-check your account after support staff has confirmed that replacement key has been added to your account. Select the section "Make a key from replacement key"

4) Select the appropriate license level on which you wish to perform the replacement

5) Enter the new "software-ID"

6) Proceed to checkout by pressing "Add license replacement to cart" and finish the payment

7) An e-mail will be sent to your profile containing the new license.

  • ) You can also find the newly generated key in the section "Search and view all keys" under the folder "Purchased YYYY" where "YYYY" is the current Year