Manual:The Dude v6/DB import export

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Applies to RouterOS: v6.34+


The Dude server package supports database backup import from current releases as well as from older the Dude versions: v3 and v4.

Note that database import and export process may take some time depending on how big the dude database on your server is.

First v6.34rc builds came with plain import/export command that didn't provide any feedback on how far in the process action is. So be patient, if console throws out time out error that does not mean that import/export process has failed.

Starting with v6.34rc45 both import and export processes now have added progress bars

[admin@MikroTik] > /dude import-db backup-file=dude-backup
  status: importing: 63% complete

Up to v6.34rc44 build

  • Export
/dude export-db file=(file_name_path)
  • Import
/dude import-db file=(file_name_path)

Starting with v6.34rc45 build

  • Export
/dude export-db backup-file=(file_name_path)
  • Import
/dude import-db backup-file=(file_name_path)