Manual:The Dude v6/Change DB path
Database path change
If you do not wish for The Dude server to use your on-board flash memory you can specify data path in which server should keep all relevant data.
- To change where the Dude servers stores it's stuff you need to use following command.
/dude set data-directory=(new_db_path)
- To move already existing dude data dir to new path.
1. Disable dude server.
2. Move existing data dir to new location via winbox or ftp/sftp.
3. Change the data-directory to new path
4. Re-enable the server.

Note: We do not suggest to use data stores that are formatted with FAT32 file-system, better before use re-format it as EXT3. For more details on how to do that consult [this ] wiki article.